Maureen Mascaro Maureen Mascaro

SMP Pharmacy Solutions: A Celebration of the Design and Permitting Phase

As we transition from permitting into active construction with SMP Pharmacy Solutions HQ Relocation, I wanted to take a minute to highlight the design/permitting phases, which challenged and stretched us all while helping the entire team bond and develop a collaborative spirit. You can read about the project and the company's, founder & CEO Armando Bardisa,: HERE. G. Alvarez Studio, Inc.  was awarded the project in October 2018 with the goal of designing for a consolidation of SMP’s two operating locations into one 25,000-SF Headquarter location just west of Miami International Airport. This will allow the firm to expand its market exposure and offerings via a state-of-the-art clean room, pharmacy labs, warehouse/distribution center, call center and executive offices.

As we transition from permitting into active construction with SMP Pharmacy Solutions HQ Relocation, I wanted to take a minute to highlight the design/permitting phases, which challenged and stretched us all while helping the entire team bond and develop a collaborative spirit. You can read about the project and the company's, founder & CEO Armando Bardisa,HERE. G. Alvarez Studio, Inc.  was awarded the project in October 2018 with the goal of designing for a consolidation of SMP’s two operating locations into one 25,000-SF Headquarter location just west of Miami International Airport. This will allow the firm to expand its market exposure and offerings via a state-of-the-art clean room, pharmacy labs, warehouse/distribution center, call center and executive offices. Read More.

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